Does anybody watch this drivel? furthermore what kind of losers go on it? Do you know someone who has actually aired their dirty linen like they do and if a peternity test is so expensive to carry out (as in the case it was said, of little Alfie who did/didnot father a baby at 12 trs old, the Sun newspaper payed for it to be done) how come Mr Vile has them done almost daily? now, before you all shout out at me, I do switch over as soon as I see the chavs taking their seat in their hall of
stop ur act. hes probaly a lot better at the show then u culd b. Im sure ur family had family feuds. AND THATS WERE THEY GET SORTED OUT! so cut the crap.
touched a bit of a raw nerve there me thinks lynsy???
a. I wouldnt want to do "his" bloody job
b.everybody's family has a lot of crisis's, but would I air them on a show like..... I don't thinks sooooooooo
How vile is this revolting man? He doesn't listen,he's patronising,full of himself etc etc. I'd love to be up there and give him a taste of his own medicine-perhaps something to do with his own live as he's so judgemental. Spout his own catch phrases back at him-"look at me,look at me" "get off your backside and get a job" Well,his can hardly be called a real job can it? Anyone can shout in the faces of a few poor saps and bask in their own self-importance. Can you tell I don't like him??
just a wee bit mydogsandme, but at least your'e on my antenna!, I wonder if lynsy is always so charming with people, perhaps she's been on his show....just a
You gota love a bit of JK. It's just hilarious the kinda people you have on there. I think JK is ok as a person to be honest. He just tells it how it is. People who go on there are anything but normal. If you were then you wouldn't go on tele to air your dirty linen in the first place.
I suppose you could say the guy's getting paid a handsome salary for it, probably comes off at the end and cringes at the no-hopers he's had to talk to.<3
Whoa lil, that makes the V in Vile stand out!!!!
He could have been a guest on his own show couldn't he?
No bloody wonder he can empithise with the lot he has on...yuk!
Its probably only kids like Lyndsy (presume she's a kid by the way she phrased her reply "text speak") who are really into the show. I used to like Jeremy on the radio, but can't stand him on TV, or rather the sad people who go on an air their feuds etc in public.
You are right tizzie, apparently lynsy is only 14 so I guess we have to go gentle, I really don't hink she should be taking part in these discussions, she seems to push the boundries in most of the posts I have seen her in, but she reckons she's not a KID, she shouted that one, and she's on her way to Cambridge, wether or not that's the railway station is debatable, apparently she is 15 today, Happy Birthday Lynsy!