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eastenders tonight

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looobylooo | 20:30 Fri 09th Oct 2009 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers
i never thought id say it, as the programme has been so rubbish for such a long time, but, tonights episode with stacey was very very good....
her and her mum played their parts so well, i really felt for them both...


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Hi Sara :-) hows u?

Is that autumn leaves and snow covered hills as the answerbank logo thingy!!
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.I'll kick Bradley into shape next time I see him in my high street.....he lives in our newest, luxurious apartments.
Yeah I'm sure she will get an award or two. Probs best soap scene and best actress

she's from Hendon.. another N London girl :o)

hey karma, I'm good thanks.. how's you?
Glad to hear it! I'll be better when tomorrows over and then I got a few days off! yay!

Off to bed now - just popped in to say hello...

night night xx
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Was out earlier and have just watched EE now. And have just bawled my eyes out
aw peri.........the dog gave me a funny look when my bottom lip started trembling.....
I'm still blubbering - have to calm myself
peri it was so very well done, i cried at it because I have often worried so much about my daughter that it was like watching the worst case scenario, whoever the writers have consulted about the impact on family when someone is so deeply troubled, they have managed to really convert the research into such a profound and gripping storyline.
is Bradley really gone out of it with that stupid cow with the stupid face and the stupid bottom lip and the stupid hair. I don't like her you know. Stacey needs him - they love oneanother - stupid syd person
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Same here with my son dot - they both acted it so well - I'm starting again. Hope you didn't traumatise the dog too much craft - I traumatized the kids. Dixie let it all out pet. This day 20 years ago was the day I gave birth for the first time so feeling sentimental
Not keen on Eastenders usually but that was an awesome episode. Brilliant stuff from Stacey, her Mum and Bradley.

Only slight complaint, the Joel and Ronnie thing was quite interesting and would have been better in another episode away from all the Stacey stuff which dominated the show and may as well have had the whole show about Stacey & Co.
I've long had Lacey Turner down as one talented actress and this week's episodes have confirmed my opinion. A much loved relative of mine is Bi-Polar and so I've been watching this storyline with interest. He's never been to Stacey's extremes, up or down. Not every sufferer does, but it's good for EE to show.

I really think Syd should be a little more understanding though. She's a nurse, for pity's sake! Does she not know about BPD? She knows Stacey has it. I think she's just a selfish, heartless bitch and I hope Bradley sees that and comes back. Stacey clearly still means a lot to him and I don't think he'll leave her for long.
Seeing as the soaps have been a bit dull recently, that was a particularly good episode.

but then, back to normal, .... in 2 weeks time...... Heather gives birth (!)

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