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eastenders tonight

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looobylooo | 20:30 Fri 09th Oct 2009 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers
i never thought id say it, as the programme has been so rubbish for such a long time, but, tonights episode with stacey was very very good....
her and her mum played their parts so well, i really felt for them both...


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me too loooby, stacey was brilliant
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oh she was rinkins, her mum too ... i was really moved by tonights episide.
such good acting by both
Got to me too - quite heartbreaking really
i'm clever i dont watch it lol
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i hope bradley comes back to stacey do you, i think he might, i hope he leaves that sid at the airport.
It was heart wrenching, it made me cry the way they portrayed Stacey's deterioration into confusion and despair. It was shown from the mum's side and the daughters side, a very intense episode, that should win awards
It was absolutely amazing acting from Stacey (Lacey Turner) - it made my daughter & me cry. Her Mum was also very convincing too. It must take a lot out of them, portraying people with such severe bipolar.

I feel for anyone who suffers from mental health problems, along with the families who care for them.
okay...I'll own up.....I cried too.....
don't worry, I'm going to get Stacey and bring her home. I'll make her better.
Oh, I hope so sara & back into Bradley's arms! Nice to have feelings! ;o}
amazing acting from Stacey....s'pose she's left EE; very moving episode.
smudge, Bradley is on his way back from the airport. he still has feelings for Stacey.

as for Syd.. a sympathetic nurse she must be!!!
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Hope he is sara - they are meant for each other! I really like Bradley too.
Yes, I'm sure Stacey will be in for some kind of award/recognition Zac - she certainly deserves to!
Zac, she has won a "best soap actress" for the last 3 years, bless her!
Great acting! Lacey and the actress who plays Staceys mum were great! It made me cry though its so bloody depressing!

I'm sure Bradley will stop the cab and stay or if not he will fly back from wherever he is going very soon I just know it. Bradley and Stacey 4eva!! lol x
karma, bless your heart x

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yeah, i like ol bradders too, him n stace are meant to be together.
that sid, i dont like her, shes no good for him. (lol)
she's a hard-hearted bitch................fancy leaving her dog.....

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