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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Hail, hail the gang's all here!

Had an urge to
spend today so I did. Have found big white pegs, 5 for 1€ but if they are any good I will buy the whole lot and never have to fumble for matching pegs again! brill!!!

Daughter's friend is really nice, and not half as wild as my child, she would make a lovely daughter!

Still 100º in the shade and such humidity. I keep plunging into the pool but it's warmish so Can't wait to get to England!
Oh has dolly received an email??
Neti i wonder if daughter's friend's Mum says the same thing about your daughter??
Its a bit wet here for the frilly ones, they tend to go into soggy balls... FUCHSIAS Vinny, not paper knickers...although.....
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Yep, mailed Dolly :o)
lol's true your offspring's friends are always nice and polite and apparently they fancy you sometimes too ...eek! Oh no neti, you only have a daughter don't you?...still it doesn't mean to say they won't....

yes Dolly was inc. on the mail
Talking about knickers..didnt they use to sell ones you could eat?in the sixties.Handy if you were stuck in a lift....whip them off in front of a few peeps and start eating them...hahahaha..!(:O)i'll see if I can find them>>>>google google>>
ive only found after dinner nipples and Succulent Fruity Boobs so I searching in the wrong place?hehe..!im going shopping>>>(:O)
well you can still get edible knickers...but I am not posting any of the links I found on here...
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I'm here keeping my eyes on you lot. Saturdays, or not, remember that this is a boarding school and I expect good behaviour on all occasions. No more talk of knickers, etc. please.

I'm feeling indisposed and going for an afternoon nap.

I shall expect you up and ready for a crocodile march into Church tomorrow morning.
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P.S. Used some Avon oil and Mr LL reckons he could smell me coming from about 20 yds away :o(
Tell mR LL he should think himself k=lucky to retain his sense of smell, its much harder with a broken nose :0(

I was going to have a refeened day today, morning shower, clean clobber, no housework, cup of tea and an Inspector Alleyn novel THEN I discovered the fishpond filter was bunged up with gunge...have been up to my neck in fishes.....manure so back in the shower and am drying off now booger the tea, I'm having a sherry...teacher's not she??
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Teacher wishes she could join you in a tipple Woofie!!

Went to garden centre 20% off day with friend first thing this morning and had a delicious breakfast there to start the day. Bought a nice new fancy grass and container. They went to Morrisons. Back home to get lunch and have been making chicken stock. Was thinking of gardening and the wind got up and down came some rain, so it didn't take much to make a decision that gardening was not on. Washing all dry t hough.

Sun is now out again. Have run out of steam and Arthur Itis really playing up, so have dosed myself with paracetamol and tried doing some Soduko. Have messed up four of them, so have scribbled all over them in temper. My brain in weary.

Am about to now go and nod off for a while before thinking about dinner tonight.
Hello truants
Hope you are all being good and not bunking off :)
Lovely day here ,bright and sunny but a bit chilly round the gymslip .
We used to have to walk to church Lofty ( Rochester Cathedral) every end of term where we used to belt out the school hymn( Jerusalem ) and He Who Would Valiant Be.
Yes ..I was a good little Pilgrim .I wonder what went wrong :)
Dinner is decided...breast of chicken fried with cajun spice, butterbeans and tinned tomatoes...tomorrow roast beef, roasties, cabbage peas and yorkshire pud.

masterchefs....hah what do they know
DH isn't home yet so I have held off on the booze...odd times his bike won't go into gear then I have to go out and rescue him..the part is on order, being fitted next week.
It would be s8d's law for me to have a wee sip and then the phone rings...I never ever drink and drive because I have no head at all for booze.
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Hi Shaney,

I can't remember our school hymn. I suppose we had one :o(.

For dinner we are having a honey, soy and sesame roasted pork chops with roasted veg (Peppers, Tomatos, Sweet Potatoes, Mushrooms, Red onions and bloomin' courgettes) with some new boiled potatoes.

Tomorrow it is vegetable lasagne (I think)

The chicken and veggie soup I am making will do nicely for tomorrows lunch.

Monday it is bread and pullet!!! (My grandmothers stock reply when I asked what was for dinner!! - bless her, she was lovely)

See you folks

Take care.
Hi Mrs L L. We always had to be formal with our teachers! Lottie my solution to sudokus is use a pencil and rubber. I've been doing one while listening to my fave Footie team make a draw after being in the lead for 90 chuffin' minutes. I text my son at the end and said "I don't believe it" he replied "They're unbelievable" :~( No more to be said.If this is a boarding school I want to know where Vinny is kippin'. You're not on a promise Vin just thought I'd come and try a spliff with you or whatever they're called if I get fed up. Especially if I've just heard Derby give a game away like today.
Right that's me moan, now I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I'm off to my counsin's on the farm down South. I'm going with Fuschia and my younger sis and my bro's girlfriend. You can reckon on a new one every 2 or 3 years. I haven't met her yet so looking forward to that..I'm not doing the driving which will be even better. Stirling Miss is. That isn't mispelt. its my new name for my younger sis. Guess why!
I remember paper knickers. I did try them but definitely didn't like them In fact if I think about them I can still feel them, most uncomfortable. Can't remember when but maybe late 60s.
I'm off to peel cook and freeze some apples now ~ see yer in a bit! Have a good rest of the day.
well what a pe po belly flop of a day this turned out to be, cold, windy & showery. I've done booger all except talk on the phone, nod off and watched some pearls on qvc.

Have you heard about them scrapping NHS direct and putting in a less expensive version? Assuming you don't die trying to get through a maze of 'press 1, press 2...etc' I suppose you'll be put through to a call centre in some remote part of the world where an incomprehsible voice will tell you to 'just ask sqad'. :o)
We've got smoked fish ,new pots and greek salad shortly and beef casserole( crockpot) and dumplings with spring greens tomorrow .
My mums stock menu was either ,Stewed knees and sparrows ankles or Bolts ( bolt in ,bolt round the table and bolt out again )
Lol Robinia ....and what sort of answer do you think you'll get .
Patient ..I think I'm dying .
Doctor .NBD ..go and lie down .

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