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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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gotta be 59
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Naughty jno!!

I think 44 too. Has that coy look!!
hahaha, lol jno, that was Mrs Carpenter the needlework don't pay much attention do you, the Swedish supersleuth's already beaten you to it.

Well this site keeps going slow so I'll sneak out while Miss is down the pub...
<I'll just leave her a message>
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Bloomin' eck Hurricanes and gale force winds here this afternoon!! I have the central heating on much to Mr LL's disapproval. Glad I made a cauldron of soup. I needed warming up!!
No 48! Looks a bit buxom for Robi!
<<< Miss, miss, Roninia's writing rude things on the blackboard, >>>
thank you all for a lovely silly day

calisthenics tomorrow
bring your recollections of gym, games and all things healthy.
Well I've no objections to moving my arms about, just don't expect any bending from the stomach!


me a couple of friends getting ready for gym class!!
...and this is me in gym class (posted it before but you have to say everything twice and in a loud voice here dontcha;-)

Mi-i-iss! Vinny has gone on the floor 'cos he couldn't find the little boys' room! Here it is Vinny. Says here they had biddies coming in from all over the place too;-)
Oh that's good swedie, where do you find them!
He he Neti I buy them from a small company in Germany. (That's what our comedian Hasse Alfredson will always say when people ask him Where DO you get it all:)
Evenign all Havfe just got in nd caught up on all your posstsa.Will get bck to your tomoorow as I am cream crqkceredc and aqm making to o many errpors. goodf night slwppn tight ~ see yer lkater@fgater(S) OOOPS!!
Mrs Carpenter the needlework teacher? I'd like to say I had a carpentry teacher called Miss Needlework, but I didn't. Ugh, don't mention gym, every so often we had to run up a volcano for gym class. Extinct, fortunately, and I nearly was too by the time I got to the top (usually in the last 2 or 3 in the class).

Calling Norfolk members (though I share Chris's bewilderment about why he wants to know)...

good grief, who was that drunk that just rolled by??

thank goodness I wasn't halfway up
Goodness me not more climatic disaster .It's all you hear .
Though it's been disastrous here today .Pelting with rain ,wind blowing and howling like a banshee .

If woodelf is coming to Norfolk to see the skies he'll have a job in this lot . It's just murk at the moment .
Perhaps he has a companion who describes things to him ?
We have wide open skies and lovely beaches on the east coast of the county too but most people head out to Chelsea on Sea .

I made the mistake of bringing a watering can earlier in which was bouncing round the garden and then just now I went out to the lav and there were snails crawling everywhere .Eeeeuw . They must have been in there sheltering from the rain. So I had to pick 'em all up and throw them outside .

Well .....whatever Judes on ..can I have some ?
Ooooh I've just seen that message scrawled on the blackboard !
Tut .....a hundred lines for you Robinia :))
Nice school photo .
Evening Shaney and jno and... Jude? Was that you? Tut. She hasn't been the same since she snuck off with Vinny for a smoke the other day has she

Shaney I'm practising my double point needles skills but it doesn't seem to be for me. I start out with five needles and suddenly there are only three left ha ha - but they still seem like three hundred...
I can't knit on dpns Kit . I've tried and I get in a muddle . If you don't marker the rows you lose count and end up with socks long enough to fit a giraffe .
.Btw .I've finished one pair of socks for you .Have started on another pair ( I'd like to send you two pairs) but it's been on hold for a while .
Once I know what's happening with Mr S. I may be able to settle to it again but I'm a bit flit minded at the moment .xx.
Oh but how do you make socks if not with double point needles? / Don't worry about it, you'll soon get around to it:))) ...and I will treasure them whenever they arrive - nobody evah knitted socks for me before xxx

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