Certainly there's no duty on a householder to clear snow from the public highway, whether outside his premises or anywhere else.In theory her could be sued in negligence, but the circumstances in which he could be successfuly sued are highly unlikely. So,in a sense it's better to leave it [if you're that scared! Personally, I would,clear it ] Contrary to the impression given by tabloid newspapers, who love a scare, the law is based on common sense.
On his own premises he's in greater difficulty, since the statute that governs occupiers expects you to take reasonable care to ensure that your 'visitors' are safe.The courts are likely to say that leaving your premises unsafe, even from the results of snowfall, puts you in breach of that duty, if the risk is obvious and you , knowing of it, could very easily have removed that risk. Again, common sense applies to the 'if' in the preceding sentence...