online check in,what time to go airport? in The AnswerBank: Travel
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online check in,what time to go airport?

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pinkcowprint | 21:59 Tue 16th Mar 2010 | Travel
4 Answers
going to geneva from liverpool with easyjet next week,only taking hand luggage and printing off our boarding cards beforehand.what time do you think we would be ok to get to the airport for?flying 7am.
last time we went liverpool the security was a nightmare and only just got the flight on time!!
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It should tell you on-line how soon to check in - I would still give it a couple of hours to be on the safe side. It's not the checkin that holds us up recently, it's the security side of things which still takes just as long (if not longer).
Usually the website will suggest a time. I would try to be at airport one hour before the gate closes at the latest.
Get there as early as you can. Surely it is better to spend a couple of hours sat in an airport than miss your flight.
7am takeoff means they'll close the gates at 6.30am (and that early in the day they'll probably be on time, unlike later flights). You won't have to check in if you've done it online. So it's just a matter of how long it takes to go through security... and I have no idea how long that might be. If it's been bad before then 5.30's probably a good idea.

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