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saxy_jag | 19:23 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Are Chris and Louise a permanent fixture on this now? I do hope so!


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Sorry - didn't catch it tonight. Chris & Louise who?
bet you can't wait for Chris Evans on a Friday
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I don't mind Chris Evans at all, but Chris Hollins is certainly cuter!
Eeeeww - Chris Evans? I'll pass thanks very much.
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Apologies, lardhelmet - it's Chris Hollins and Louise Minchin
Sooner they go the better terrible !!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Chris Hollins - the bloke who won Strictly? Don't mind him. Never heard of Louise Whatserface tho. What happened to Misery Guts & The Giggler?
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There was a story in one of the nationals that misery guts threw his toys out of the pram when it was suggested Evans take over the Friday edition. Apparently he said he didn't want anyone else working with Christine Bleakley and if they were going to do that then he'd leave the show, period. The BBC bluffed him back because I think they'd already got Hollins lined up the slot if that happened.

From what I've just read, they're just filling in 'amid rumours that Hollins could become a permanent replacement'.

Louise BBC news in the afternoons, and is a regular on BBC Breakfast:
Thanks saxy - very interesting.
so what happened to Adrian and Christine? i really like them, ?
I have asked this question ... are they both on holiday, and if so, why do they go at the same time ? I can't stand her, as I have mentioned here before, with her awful accent and big mouth and giggling all the time, she looks like a horse. he is a bit miserable but I can put up with that. These new ones - Chris and Louise have about as much charisma as a damp toilet roll. Roll on Chris Evans, hope he takes the p*** out of Bleakley ... if she ever returns.
Can't watch Minchin. She tries soooooo hard to be likeable, as do many sad female breakfast hosts like Susanna Reid, Kate Garraway and the vacuous Emma Crosby. Whoever employs these overly ambitious and utterly unlikeable types must have a screw loose.

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