HDD FREEVIEW in The AnswerBank: Technology
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chas2008 | 14:27 Mon 10th May 2010 | Technology
17 Answers
ok, i can cope with most technology but this HDD/Freesat/freeview/SKyHDD etc. is getting a tad confusing, i have a Toshiba HDD1080P TV with freeview does this mean i will receive HDD via freeview or will i need another freeview HDD box ?
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Unless your inbuilt Freeview is HD Freeview you will need another Box. Complete rip off this HD Digibox thingy.....
I asked the very same question last week and was told that I would have to buy a HD freeview box to receive HD freeview channels
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my TV cupboard is going to look a bit overcrowded...
being slightly pedantic, but it's HD when referring to the television broadcast, HDD is a hard disk drive in a computer.
you could always get freesat installed with dish one off fee of about £70.00 some extra channels and HD
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i refuse to pay extra to upgrade my SKY system to receive free channels !! (or have i got it totaly wrong)
oh sorry didnt know you already had sky, just thought you had freeview tv. Just get a sky HD box then. I refused to pay each month to have sky when most of the channels are cr@p but wanted HD so got freesat
If you already have sky then you don't really need freesat, you'd get nothing extra from it that sky doesn't provide already.
If you have Sky now chas, you will have to pay extra to receive HD, plus you will need a Sky+HD Box
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oops, yep HD....(chuckfickens)
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redman, my point is why should i pay extra to receive what are in effect free channels...dont mind paying for the SKY HD box but object to the extra monthly subscription.
None of the HD Channels on Sky are free they are subscription Channels so they have you by the short and curlies. And me as well !!
thats exactly why I went freesat. No monthly charge. SKY are a rip off
Freesat HD will be good value later, when more of the national channels in HD are licensed for Freesat and Freeview group.
In the interim, I suppose the Sky HD is ok (if you don't mind the extra tenner a month) So that's 28/month instead of around 18 for a standard package.

Only a very FEW displays available have built-in Freesat HD or Freeview HD.
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as theres only a few channels HD at the moment £10.00 a month just isnt worth it especially as you may not even want to watch whats on those channels, Freesat sounds the way to go but another dish or possibly dual LNB (if it can be done that way) + another decoder/box......just so much hassle to watch a bit of TV
Well the sky is, I suppose, if you have a subscription like I have... There are quite a few more on Sky now.
I agree about Sky rip-off charges, tho : (
Be careful about Freeview HD (Ant and Dec's dopy advert!). Won't be available in my area until 2012...

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