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trouble16 | 08:39 Fri 11th Feb 2005 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers
does anyone know the release date in england for the last ever star wars. i saw a clip of it in the cinema, and i think its in may, but can anyone tell me the date!!!????


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May 19th

Personally, I'd have gone for 4th May ... May the 4th be with you ... OK .. I'll get my coat ...

Question Author

hahaha, i like ur humour, thanx 4 that!!!wont turn up at the cinema now on the wrong day!!!! have u seen any clips of it, i was hooked when i first saw it!



What can I say...was an obvious joke but I'm not one to let a chance like that go begging! heh heh!! x

I've only seen the trailer myself can see that at the official site

(link at the bottom right)

Here's the link (Between War of the Worlds and this, I think you need this in your Favourites! ;o)

...and this is their link to all the versions of the trailers that are on the net!

That should waste a whole Friday morning at work for you up to the time 'theanswerbank' posts out their weekly newsletter! ... and then it's the weekend! Have a good one!

S x

Question Author

um steve , i think u shud now im onl at college, and im trying to balance talking to u lot and do my coursework, while in a a lecture! why did u think i was older or sumthin??and neway, r u working?

thanx 4 da info!

Does it LOOK like I'm working? ;o) I'm getting paid for being here, that's for sure!

And Friday morning at work and TAB is a perfect combination. I wouldn't suggest you try it if you want to keep the job, but hey. Have a good weekend all the same .. college work, work ... trouble ... whatever you're up to ;o)

Question Author
true!, i do work but only on relief i a shop! fantastic! ive just had a bit of an argument with some random guy about womens rights and i think i won!i tend to cause trouble but im a little angel really!!llol!

Sorry to jump in on the conversation, but you said this is the last ever Star Wars.  Is that definate? 

I remember a radio interview with Dave Prowse, must have been in the eighties, when he said there would be 9 films in all... No's. 4,5,6 - 1,2,3 then 7,8,9.  Anyone know if this is still the case?

Question Author
hey! yeh i am pretty sure it is the last one cos on the clip i saw in the cinema, it has lots of battles and stuff and im sure it had nine in roman numerels, although im in the same boat, i saw the clip a long time ago and i may have being imaginging it all!lol!

Re the number of SW movies, when SW:ANH hit big Lucas announced that he had plans for 9 movies (some reports say 12) - mind you, it was fairly obvious that he hadn't actually planned 3x trilogies, but the money was pouring in.

Sometime between Jedi and Menace he obviously decided that he would probably not fit all 9 movies into his lifetime and (given his relutance to entrust them to anyone else/his penchant for "improving" his own movies with new SFX) stated that the 6 movies would be the lot, and that it would all make perfect sense etc etc.

Recently there have been rumblings (no doubt stirred by the amount of cash being made) that he may in fact go back to the 9 movie plan.

I'm pretty sure there are going to be the full 9 movies.  Episode 7 is a peach.  They have to do it.
Question Author
i hope they do to, but i dont half get a tad confuse wiv all these different episodes and the fact lucas jumps from different subject each time a films relased! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I turn my back for 2 seconds to do some work, and come back to all this! Heh Heh!

Insane Wally, it's a good point. I'd heard such rumours, although after Phantom Menace I'm surprised he went back to II & III .. although IMHO, he did redeem himself a bit with II.

I think he'll leave it personally. The studios might shout for more, but I think he saw the reaction to Ep1 and it tainted the reputation to an extent.

And trouble16, It went 4,5,6,1,2,3 ... so when they are all done and you watch them in order they should make sense.

The reason for him going backwards in time was that Lucas "allegedly" had the idea for the whole lot, but not enough money or time to cover it at first as he was a new filmmaker. He had to start somewhere, and about half way through seemed the best to him for a one off film ... just incase it bombed and the studios wouldn't pay out to make any more. Hence it starting with Episode IV in the famous "A long time ago in galaxy far, far away ... ". The rest as they say is history!

I swear, I'm into films in general! I'm not just a star wars gimp!!


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