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Dead man weds

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Glossopswift | 18:04 Mon 14th Feb 2005 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
I set the video for the last episode and because they were running late (something to do with HRH getting married to Rod Hull) I missed the last ten mins. I saw up until the giant bird landed on the batte re-enactment - what happened then?


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You got further than my recording, so I would like to know the ending too !
ha ha ha
Rod Hull indeed.

...seems like you lot were lucky, I settled down to watch it at 11pm on Thursday, *but fiddlesticks!, no Dead Man Weds for the people of Wales (h.t.v area)... we had something about arsonists and have no idea how much I'm hurting right now, this series was one of the only htings worth watching on itv...

* please insert expletive here

Lewis took a load of photos and the bird flew away. The story went national (as illustrated by a mock-up cover of The Independent). The final scene was the whole newspaper crew celebrating in the pub, when a phone call came through. The Tim Healy barman character said it was someone from a national newspaper wanting to talk to the journalist who broke the story and "someone's going up in the world". Cut to credits, and we never find out whether it was Lewis or Gordon who took the call.
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Thanks jenstar. Looks like there is going to be another series, which isn't a bad thing.
...check out this link and jump to the forums, where Dave Spikey(gerald berry) pops in now and again to update the fans...however it is very doubtful if itv will comission another series...boooo hisss itv!!!

..sorry forgot to post the link!...

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RANT ALERT! ITV are unbelievable! For the first time in living memory an ITV comedy gets good reviews and so they decide not to bother with a second series. I'm assuming that the ratings weren't quite what they wanted. Many sitcoms take a series to build up an audience (Only Fools and Horses is a prime example) but ITV don't half panic and wash their hands of things far too early. Remember Men Behaving Badly? Let's hope Dave Spikey does what Simon Nye did and take his idea to Aunty Beeb.

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