So after the crash dies down what storylines have we got to look forward to? If mollie dies that ends the whole kev/mollie affair secrets and if ashley dies then thats the end of the whole 'france' issue and if Peter or Nick die thats Leannes mind made up, and well once Johns hidden the body amongst the rubble no more John and the whole stolen identity story....thank god
LOL mdoo no-one's given the poor tram driver a second thought.
Yes, Zippy, John could leave Charlotte anywhere long as he remembers to clean the blood from the carpet.
Mrs jth has just wondered out loud whether Becky caused the explosion at The Joinery !!
There has been a series of 'sabotaging' incidents, in recent weeks and I understand (from the Radio Times) that Becky has a 'secret' which will out.
If we're right, from whom do we claim our £5 ? :o)
Wasn't the fire at the joinery something to do with the gas leak? I read it somewhere. I missed tonight. I thought it started at 7.30pm. I was gutted!!