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Gypsy weddings

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soaps | 22:21 Tue 08th Feb 2011 | Film, Media & TV
74 Answers
Now they're using helicopters, how can they afford them?


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You said first Pinki.... so i'll let ya have - he is kinda cute tho' in a manly, testosterone way.....
oh i thought i was the only one who "liked" paddy.........................i love the programme, its so interesting to learn about other peoples culture.
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No wonder they had ten kids then if he is so attractive.
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lol Anne - i wonder does Paddy know he has so many fans.... ;-)
I'm really enjoying the programme - think the last one is next week.... damm
paddy was in the last series. I wonder why only half gypsy population will live past 50
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smoking drinking and housework maybe
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Dotty, not potty pink!
Maybe beating the crap out of each other and a rather restricted gene pool to draw from has something to do with it.
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You have a point there Captain K!
That tarmac area that Paddy was laying would probably last about six months at the most.

What a cowboy gypsy, but I suppose he has to make some money to pay his TAXES and NHI STAMPS!!!!!.
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Trt, they'll pay their taxes from the goods they nicked fron 4grts Dad and others.
Or maybe the discount the got from the beautiful furniture he bought!!!!!
and he has 2 new cars a year! and he looks after the place for the council, so do they pay him? how is he allowed to put his initials on the road if its council property?
I had to laugh when they were buying the table and chairs in the shop - Paddy wouldn't let them film the 'deal' going on - I wonder if threats were exchanged if he didn't get a good deal.................and there was nobody else in the shop.....
and did you see the big wad of cash he brought out

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