Am I right in thinking that to have more than one god would've seen us evaporated from life a long time ago? Here's why I think this, If there are more than one god then wouldn't they be likely to argue over everything and then possibly destroying us in anger before resurecting us ad infinitum? Have any of you seen the movie Clash of the Titans or maybe it was Jason and the Argonauts where the gods couldn't agree on anything and there was a lot of anger, revenge and punishment, wouldn't this be a likely scenario if there was a whole group of gods?
I don't really know what the origins of the universe were, but I wouldn't reach a conclusion on the subject on the basis of seeing Clash of the Titans.
Lol, no this conclusion was reached a long time before I saw that movie but thought it was a good idea to put the theory into a more understandable perspective,.
But count in your version the gods were of different cultures which then opens a whole new debate of which god created who and which gods treat their creation the most favorable!
Pixi my original post stands tall and strong, It's this question * which god created who and which gods treat their creation the most favorable* I meant, lol.
Seems to me there is a lot of anger, revenge and punishment in the world - and I'm sure of the existence of the "Golf Gods" who can make a ball disappear even when it lands in the middle of the fairway
I don't know why the situation at the heart of this question is considered hypothetical. I have a book on my shelf which lists and describes over 2500 deities that mankind has invented over the years. Of these, of course, the Judaeo/Christian 'God' is just one.
I see no signs of intergod wars between that lot. Gosh, could it be that none of them exists?
well-run companies chug along smoothly with everyone knowing his or her job, and with no more than intelligent, structured debate about what to do next. There doesn't have to be only one leader; good ones appoint good subordinates and delegate duties. I don't see why the heavens shouldn't do likewise. People prefer mighty character clashes with lots of shouting when they watch TV programmes; but that's not the only way (and seldom the best way) of running things.