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Not sure I'm keen on having Chris' son Noah on all the time! Would anyone else get away with it?
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A has anyone else listened to the programme with Sir Andre Geim as guest? If so what did you make of his comment about students?...
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If she is pregnant, why has it taken so long for someone to suggest she is ?
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Tickets have just arrived for a live performance of Sorry I Haven't Clue....yayyyyy...
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mikey4444 There is obviously something at the bottom of all this. Does anyone know what's really going on ?...
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Tuned in twice to Chris Evans this week (have ignored him for months) only to find him still gibbering on about cars and motor racing! That's it. I won't bother again, I'll just wait til 9.30 for Ken.
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Hi, the other day Steve Wright had Bill Nighy on as a guest and I would have loved to hear the interview as he is one of my favourite actors. Do you know if it available to listen to anywhere? TIA
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Missed the last quarter of an hour today and have just read catch up. Helen and Rob and Jess. Oh dear.
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If radio presenters look in here. Today they were talking about sandwiches which was a topic on here yesterday. Do you think Corrie's gay treatment will be discussed on air tomorrow?
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Hi , After listening to "The Archers" off and on for many years and if I missed any I was able to catch up on and read about episodes I missed and other Ambridge stuff, that...
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What has happened to Tony Archer, is it a new person, or has he got a very ba d sore throat. and please will someone get rid of the silly Helen.?
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Am I alone in finding local traffic reports interfering with my car radio listening, a nuisance? In the area I live in we have a good reception of BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio York, BBC Radio Humberside...
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Do any of you AB oldies remember a late-night programme called "Sounds Interesting" on Radio 3 (the only 'rock' programme on Radio 3) in the 1970s/80s? What was the theme tune?...
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I would heartily recommend his R2 programme which was played last Sat afternoon. Go on play it again on the BBC website & enjoy a couple of hours of excellent music....
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...I'll lay odds that Robert Snell's daughter is pregnant. I wonder how the kid will turn out with James being the father?...
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Wonder what anyone else's thought were...
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Said on 'Any Questions',tonight, that MPs were 'forced' to fiddle their expenses because of poor wages. She went on to say that they should get their 11% pay rise so they don't 'have' to fiddle their...
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Is there a website that is to radio programmes what IMDB is to movies i.e. one which gives full details of programmes and individual episodes in series? I haven't come across one yet and even...
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Dear All, I hope someone can help me, my mum has been trying to find the name of a radio play that we think was aired around late 70's early 80's on something like 'afternoon play' possibly on BBc...
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I like to listen to Chris Evans, except when he interviews a studio guest. For some unfathomable reason, while the interview is going on, there is some mindless jazz saxophone honking and hooting away...

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