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Life Insurance

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mrs_overall | 08:44 Sat 10th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
This is a question that came to me in the wee hours when the howling gale kept me awake.
In various tv programmes/films (usually American) about murder, it is often discovered that the murderer took out a huge life insurance policy on the victim before bumping them off.
My question is this. Would it be possible in this country (UK) to take out a life insurance policy on someone and have yourself named as the beneficiary, without the person in question being aware of it?
BTW I am NOT planning a sudden and imminent for Mr O lol


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"sudden and imminent end for Mr O"
Really, mrsO?
You'll have to think of a way to get his signature on the forms without him knowing, I'm afraid. x
Question Author
Morning sweaty. xx
That wouldn't be a problem as I forge his signature all the time. He is clueless with his finances so I write out and sign all his cheques.
One time he had to write out a cheque himself when I was out. The cheque bounced with the message "signature differs"
Anyway, this is a hypothetical question and does NOT involve Mr O!
Question Author
So assuming the person's signature can be forged and their post intercepted, how would the person taking out the policy become a beneficiary without a will being involved?
You're watching too many 1970s re-runs Mrs O. It was an era when the viewing public were still able to be hoodwinked by the haunted fish tank programme makers.
There are probably still some mid western states where this is possible.
ha-ha, good one, his bouncing cheque.
my answers the same. If you could take out life insurance on other people(secretly) there'd be carnage out there.(and I'd be very wealthy)
Question Author
Ah, OK Zacs, thanks for that.

(Any update on your friend's missing jewellery?)
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Thanks guys xx

It is amazing what nonsense goes through my head when I can't sleep
I believe life insurance has a named beneficiary so you wouldn't have to worry about the will.
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I didn't know that, sweaty. Thanks
Unfortunately not Mrs O. How nice of you to remember.
There's a real chance a medical would be involved - could you impersonate him for that?
Haaaaa ^^^^
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bhg, this is hypothetical, idle nonsense question.

Question Author
Shut it Zacs! lol

Right, I am away for a shower and a shave and shall decide which three piece trouser suit I shall wear today ;-)
Byeeeeeeeeeee xx
Haha...the bouncing cheque happened to me.
I thought in UK you could but now you cant

[ you can certainly put in a condition of a contract that the contract shall only take effect on the date of death of someone but that is hardly insurance ]

You can only do so in principle if you have an insurable loss in the death ( which most of us dont )
see here

otherwise you have to get the spouse to insure himself and then assign it to you

oh and the stories about Marilyn Monroe's clavicle being insured for $2m when she broke it, are tosh apparently ( and betty grable's legs ). Studio hype. YOu can't insure body parts like that - see above
Don't forget my signature contains my middle initial....though why I'm helping you out lord knows..... :-(
shoulda had a pre-nup in the first place, :)

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