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Scruff? Scruff? Scruff? Oh Scruff?

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ladybirder | 11:34 Sun 15th Mar 2015 | Radio
127 Answers
Has anyone seen poor Scruff?


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Well said, Ladybird well said! Scruff will survive I feel it in my water.
16:42 Wed 01st Apr 2015
It would be awful for Helen if Rob was the father, though. She hasn't had a very happy love life in the past - remember Greg who committed suicide, so she does deserve some happiness. The trouble is that no-one likes Rob and he does deserve to get his 'comeuppance'!
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Hellywelly I don't think she deserves happiness but then I can't stand her. She's horrible to her mother, talks down to people, ALWAYS knows best, thinks she's a cut above and like any normal person should have insisted Rob take a paternity test when maintenance was first mentioned. As I've said before, bring on the misery:-)))
Now have we all given up on Scruff? He can't still be alive can he?
I think he will turn up, hope so anyway.
Poor Scruff ...... out in that nasty storm last night!
I don't want to pour a bucket of water over all this but I think we can draw a line under poor Scruff. He never had a chance. But perhaps Linda will get another doggie soon.

I can recommend a Yorkshire Wolfhound !
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No line can be drawn until I have closure mikey (sob). I need to know what happened to him before I can sleep at night and maybe not even then (howl). How can I move on with my life without knowing? Thinking of him cold and hungry, frightened and lost is just too much to bear. As a dog owner yourself I am horrified that you can move on so easily. I don't know how you can live with yourself you cruel heartless shell of a man. Retiring to have a lie down now I am, it's all too much.
Well said, Ladybird well said! Scruff will survive I feel it in my water.
And who's Freda?
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Nobody now lh, she's dead. She was Bert's wife.

UK oh I am so glad somebody else believes in Scruff. I'm not quite sure how long we keep our hopes alive for. Dogs do turn up years and years after going missing so here's hoping.
Is there a new Pet Love actor?
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Not sure. Might be the old one without her teeth in:-(
I wondered about that, she did sound a bit different.
Have Chris & Alice Carter been swept away in the flood? They haven't been on for ages.
& where has Reverend Alan buried Usha's body? another cast member missing!
Pet love sounds the same to me, although I can't be 100% sure, as we haven't heard from her for ages.

Where are all the regulars these days ? Haven't heard from Caroline and Mr Sterling for a long time. What about Miss Hot Pants Elizabeth Pargetter ? What about her kids ?

I think we should be told...something fishy is going on !
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Pet love's got a new set of ill-fitting teeth which sort of whistle as she talks I'm thinking. They seem to be having trouble with the Geordie accent.
I hope wherever the missing residents of Ambridge are, one of them has got Scruff safe and sound.
Spoke too soon...I have heard Miss Hot Pants !
Richard Lock's back on the scene. Did he have an affair with goody, goody Shula whilst going out with Ousha?
Actually I have forgotten the exact plot details...can anybody else oblige please ?
That rings a bell melv. I think you're right.

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