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julie ?

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anneasquith | 09:59 Sun 26th Aug 2012 | Reality TV
26 Answers
CBB, am i the only one who thinks julie is sooooooooooo playing the game, once an actress always an actress ?


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Oh and I quite like Harvey but when he was making the vomit inducing comments about what a strong lady she is yesterday I wanted to punch him in the mouth.
i don;t like harvey i think hes a sexist pig. but julie is acting it up for all its worth, martin kemp has caught on

i actually want danica to win just to pee all the others off (julian clary for me really)
Oh no, I want Danica out. She's such an attention seeking moron. Although like Jasmin, it is providing entertainment.

I really like Julian. He's one of those people who'd I'd be really upset if I couldn't get him to like me.

I didn't think I'd like Harvey at all but I just find him quite funny most of the time. I like Samantha more than I thought I would too. She seems like an alright person.

Colleen should get the boot too.
I bought Danica a present from her wish list yesterday.
lol, what did you get
a 3D Television ... they have just told her . She is delighted..

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