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julie ?

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anneasquith | 09:59 Sun 26th Aug 2012 | Reality TV
26 Answers
CBB, am i the only one who thinks julie is sooooooooooo playing the game, once an actress always an actress ?


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Yes Anne - she certainly is playing to the gallery. As an actress she would be aware of the very many cameras in the house. She has come across a bit fake to me as Colleen said to her to be a bit more honest and she Effed her back. That was Julie being on the defensive cos somebody had put her in a corner.
As Julien said in the game to her VULGER, and Colleen did say she knew ppl that said she wasnt so nice to ppl in the real world
The woman is horrible in real life.

She told me to eff off in a club in Manchester once. Granted, I had inadvertently sat on her (reserved) table before she swanned in, but still....
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i watched the interview with coleen^s sister and julie^s husband, the sister was quite disparaging re julie and her reputation ( in the outside world ).
There ya go Anne - some of us can only go on hearsay now you hear it from Boo's mouth. I have heard myself she thinks she is a bit of a diva and when she went back to Corrie the second or third time (can't remember) the others could not stand her attitude.
She was only in for a very short time last time and TBH I could not stand her part in it then, I mean she was never good looking, plain at best
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conn, its nice to see you posting, i hope you^r well. :)
No, you are not

Anything I have read about Julie tells she is a vile and nasty woman who hates her fans and ignores them to the fullest

Colleen however, is always charming
thanks Anne - I have been posting little bits and pieces. Bless you.
Anne meant to say to you it will be nearly a year (would you believe it) when I asked yous all for your prayers. They did help! I do feel for Iamjack with his wee problem.
Loved her as Bet Lynch, she made me laugh, but not keen on the image she's portraying in the house. A bit seedy imo...
i don't like her at all. i think she is being completely fake and she's acting her heart out.

when she was nominating and saying the boys had confided in her - she had gone to them and questioned them, it was obvious she was asking with regard to her nominations and they played her game
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yep, i still dont trust her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree totally with that, what an embarrassing woman.
I still have the image of that totally unnecessary camera angle of Julie parting her legs on the bed firmly embedded in my mind . ....... I am thinking of get some professional help to help to rid me of the flashbacks. :0/
getting ^ .... see I can not think straight when I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,bluerghhhh...

make it stop.......................
She is being truly vile in the house. Stirring up all the young guys when their hormones are already playing havoc with their common sense.

Mick, it's the image of her being fed a banana by the cherub that is haunting me.

And as for her groping the male cherub... If one of the male housemates had groped the female cherub, there would be outcry.
True, 2sp.... true.

She chose the gods too, the others never had a say in the matter.
i had to hide behind a pillow when the banana came out, that was horrifying
I can't stand the way she's so 'in love' with everyone and all the 'I'm your Mum, you're my boy' crap. And if one of the otheres comments on someones behaviour she just looks and says, 'I know darling' in such a patrionising way.

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