Good morning all, normality rules again here after the worlds longest sleep in, back to bed at 06.00 and woke again at 12.15. Glad to hear about Maggie, I hope she continues to do well and I will continue to bother god about about it. Neti and Jude, it's funny about household stuff, the first one is so carefully chosen and time is taken, after that it's just need another one now!
I have my new mower, it arrived a day early and the starter battery is now on charge. The old one has gone to my nice ironing lady, her husband, who laid my patio is redoing their garden and re laying the lawn. She told me yesterday that they were going out this weekend to get a new mower so I said on the off chance would he like mine as I can't get it started but it's new and she said yes please so win all round.
And I got a tax rebate!!!!!!!!!