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Pointless Final

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Tilly2 | 19:18 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | TV
49 Answers
I love Pointless but I am getting a bit bored with the fact that every final seems to be naming the films that some actress or actor has been in.
I wish the would come up with something a bit less boring.

Tonight, after I'd moaned about it being boring, I said, 'Why don't the ask a question like How many films titles have the word 'Gone' in them?'

Now that's a bit pathetic because I didn't give it much thought.

Has anyone got any better suggestions questions for the Film/actor/actress category that most of them go for?


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Any other suggestions for good questions?
I'm going to contact my friend Richard and suggest the best ones.
Question Author
Awww! Where's everybody gone?
Tilly, Fainting at the thought of Richard. So cute!
He's very very tall you know girls.
Question Author
Yes, Daisy. He's lovely.
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Tall's good, Tony. How tall are you?
Tell me Tilly2, how can the question "How many films titles have the word 'Gone' in them" have three possibly scoring answers, which is what the Pointless final requires ?

Two answers are always going to score 100.
Tall's good, Tony. How tall are you?

Why Tilly ?.
Perhaps you meant "Name a film with 'gone' in the title" ?
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Canary, can you ask that question again? I don't understand it.
(Obviously, you need to re-word it rather than copy and paste)

Richard is lovely and I want to know how tall is Tony
Nothing like having a tall man to look up to and feel protected.
I am very indepedent and occasionally long to be looked after.
Question Author
Oh, canary. I get it now. I did say that my question was pathetic. You have explained why. Good logic there!

Tony. Why why?
Question Author
Psybbo, I thought you'd gone.
OK canary, top twenty songs with 'gone' in them
Why do you want to know my height ? give you a clue though, I'm not has tall as Richard.
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'Like you've never been gone'
Nobody is as tall as Richard she's running late as usual, Tilly
but I'm taller than gness lol.
Don't worry Tilly, I was nit-picking. Feeling a bit embarrassed about it now.

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