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Downton Abbey

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bobbie22 | 22:07 Sun 10th Nov 2013 | TV
12 Answers
How many more adverts do we have to endure? There must be some every ten minutes or so.


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That's why I always tape it and fast forward adverts. Makes for more continuity. Anyway I suppose tonight's is the last for a while.
They're better than the programme.....
Oh, has it finished - shame!
So you don't watch it then, shoota. Do you fast forward it and just watch the adverts??
Not my cuppa EM but, strangely, my son likes it (??????)
I suppose you're not a fan of The Paradise either?
Never looked in.
Who needs paradise?
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I recorded it last week, but for some reason the end was cut off, so I decided to watch tonight. People dont have to watch it if they dont like it though
I still quite like Downton but have to record because of the adverts...Mr Bates is a dish...x
Sorry, not stalking you shoota, I just don't like period dramas
If you watch it on catch up, there are no adverts on it. This has been a bugbear of mine for ages. At one time,a programme that was on for an hour had only two ad breaks, now Downton has at least three. You can see exactly how much time is taken up by ads when you watch on catch up. The programme on telly last 65 mins, and on catch up less than 50!

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