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Scattering Your Ashes

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Vagus | 19:45 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

Due to Svens death and reading about where he wants his ashes scattering, have you given any though to where you'd like yours scattering?

Weve done it for four family members, very discreetly, not officially, but exactly where they wanted, mostly sadly and and soberly, but on one occasion quite 'Monty Python'.



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Not sure about all this. I still remember the hoohaa over emptying the car ashtray where I shouldn't.

I'm being buried

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Why, bednobs? Not a criticism, just a question x

On the vegetable plot would work.

 We are being buried - in a double grave.  Just mentioned this to a churchwarden today - apparantly you need a 'faculty' so have to give good noticeof death! :)

Taken away by the waves .... end of x

On a mountain track coming down towards Roncesvalles on the Camino path.

As long as pilgrims walked the trail I'd be with them, a few atoms of dust on their boots.

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How will your ashes get there Sandy?

On M-I-L's carpet

If I go first, I want to be scattered on my parents grave. But if hubby has gone first, I will keep his ashes and we will be scattered together at a place yet to decided.

In 2004 my brother and I intended  spreading my dad's ashes from a railway bridge but it was windy and we decided to go off in the car to find a suitable place.

We went to McDonald's for breakfast, which meant I got car sick.  In the end my brother poured his ashes from the plastic urn into Loch Earn.

My brother then stated that the now empty urn would be useful for storing stuff..

It was a surreal day out with a bit of Father Ted humour to keep us going.

My mum was buried in the local cemetery in 1996 and I haven't been to visit her.


A Camino friend and his wife have said they'll take me there.

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Sharon, we're having ours kept and scattered together. Doesn't matter where, although I'd rather not be in the water. Dogs will be with us too. 
If I go first, OH will keep me on a shelf in the summerhouse along with all the empty gin bottles, and I'll keep his there too if I go first. Seems appropriate somehow as we've spent many happy, slightly (more than slightly) tipsy hours together there, putting the world to rights.

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That's lovely Sandy

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Things don't always go to plan do they wolf? Our odd scatter was a bit like that..involving a screwdriver, lots of mud and an odd clonk sound as the ashes were emptied (they'd been brought from America and hadn't been completely, err, crushed up). We were all a bit hysterical by the end of it.

I've asked to be sunk in a bottle of Woodford Reserve. They family think I'm joking and will probably not comply. So I really don't care where they scatter me as long as it's pretty. And they don't feel obligated to keep coming to talk to me, unless they want to.


My M-i-L wanted to go back home to Scotland.

She is now very close to the Kelpies - permission was not sought - got us a few odd looks on the day, though.

I really couldn't give a stuff. Scatter my ashes where they can do something useful.

I don't really know why vagus. Or daughter is buried and we have a triple depth plot. I just hope I didy first so I can spend eternity under Mr bednobs

I was born almost on the banks of the River Tay and my ashes will be scattered on the river.

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