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Lost All My Police Paper Work

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nailedit | 21:10 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Law
7 Answers

Don't know where it is.

know that i have a police interciew but cant remeber when.

 lost it all.

intervew was due to take place  while i was in a detox unit.  loks like that isnt going to take place either ....




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Why do you think that the detox won't go ahead, nailedit?  

If you've got a solicitor (and, of course, you've not lost his/her contact details), ask them for the info.

Otherwise use the contact details here to ask the Old Bill:

   You told us that you had an court on the 10/9 .Don't know whether this helps ?

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andres, my court date on the 10th is for a seperate offence.

Buen, have received email from solicitor confirming date.

elliemay, recieved phone call from detox unit asking if i can go a day before (on the 19 instead of the original date of the 20th.) Absolutely I can but informed them that I am awaiting a police interview whilst been an inpatient. Became a case of "Oh dear, don't know if we can treat you if your under police investigation. Will have to get back to you"


Anyway thanks for the replies to my endless self pitying questions . Just going through the ringer and trying to get well



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Everything has just been an alcoholic haze since Tuesday...

How are you now Nailedit, please keep in touch with us? 

Yes nailedit

Just keep talking to us - I know I can't do anything practical except wish you well...

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Lost All My Police Paper Work

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