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Euro song

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Metz | 00:19 Sun 18th Mar 2007 | TV
5 Answers
Who won ? I missed the results


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Null points to us then this year ..........LOL
I think in Eurovision terms - and that is how we must think - this is an excellent choice.

Bozarrely I also rated Justin Hawkins and Ptnr.s song and image - yes i know his credibility as a rock musician is shot at, but Euro juries like this kind of lktch and bombast - they would have stood a good chance.

As for Brian Harvey - time to pack it Brian mate, it wasn't happening then, it's not happenng now, it's not going to happen in the future.
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TBH i think if we wrote the "best song ever" they wouldn't vote for us JMO :o)
Scooch, unless of course you're Terry Wogan!!

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