Just want to add to 4get's point that just because someone is ugly, it doesn't make them hard. This goes for smoking too, on Monday night's episode or the badduns were outside having a fag. Apart from Dot, the only smokers you see on TV are about to (pretty pathetically) stampede a pub.
And who is the one with the sneery big teeth? I think he is trying to show Rosie Webster up by showing even more tooth than her.
having watched last nights episodes it got even more rubbish. Like you would do that with your faces on show and call each other by name and ask one of your boys "how many lines he'd had"
im a big fan of eastenders tis the best. to be honst i thinh this story line is getting quite boring but jase must feel realy guilty about lastnight with hunny and that lot.
i know one thing those thugs were ther reason jase was in prison