Dunno - but doesn't Billy Mitchell have a very short memory?! When he first arrived in EE many moons ago he was also a thug and used to beat the living daylights out of Jamie Mitchell. J was terrifed of him!
Well in that case I'll just take a shell suit up to Liverpool, walk like a monkey in Mancs and do strange dances in Newcastle and I'll be queen in a day... Not to mention still back in time to ensure that the watford gap becomes a barrier. ;0P
Well I suppose they don't sound too much like chavy white pairs so I might let you off... still don't get the big deal about trainers. I only have one pair and I think I've had them about four years now.
Maybe this is what happens - london lulls the north into a false sense of security by parading pansy gangsters, we get down there and they set the womenfolk onto us