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Corrie Tonight.

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Rtaxron | 22:30 Fri 01st Aug 2008 | TV
15 Answers
I had to change channels tonight whenever the Des and Bollywood actress story came on.
The acting and plot is pathetic, the same as the bookie and landlady story.

Are the writers running out of ideas?


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I don't know but the Dev character has got to be the worst actor in the world. I cringe when he's on! they should have got rid of him for good when he was caught shop-lifting.
They couldn`t sack him for`s his own shop
Not the character - the actor Jimmi Harkishin.

He was also caught snorting coke.
I'm already bored with the Dev/Nina/husband storyline. Yes, they should have got rid of him ages ago.
They were going to get rid then gave him a big story line, really what's happening to this show, I gave up watching but caught 5 mins the other day when the bookie ended up snogging his wife after an argument.. I couldn't believe it, was shockingly bad writing, bad casting (this woman) and bad acting.. But Dev is a womanising, thieving, drug addict but I suppose they had to keep him for racial equality they'll have to introduce more 'ethnic' people before they can be shut of him..
That's a load of rubbish boogieboogie

They axed all the other Asian characters such as Vikram and Sunita, and retained other characters whose actors have been caught taking drugs, such as Steve McDonald.
It's true they considered getting shut of him then u turned and gave him a big storyline.
Sunita left but Amber arrived.
And did Dev not arrive around the time Vikram left?

So I am following I a pattern of behavior. The producers have a moral and racial obligation to uphold. (and I did say 'supporse' not fact)
In that case boogie where are the Afro-Caribbeans, Polish etc.
Lloyd, the kid who Lloyd thought was his kid. The Poles are Vicky and a few more working in the Factory. For gods sake.. What a stupid question moonshadow. I recommend you watch the show before making yourself look stupid..
i have watched every episode of corrie for the last thirty years - i'm a big fan and have forgiven them some dodgy times along the way!
But last night, Ifor the first time, I almost switched off. The storyline, acting and casting was, in my opinion, atrocious.
I'll give them one more chance, but if this Dev (id essex) rubbish doesn't end sharpish, I'm off to Eastenders!
totally agree chrisgal
the bollywood actress would never get a job in the real bollywood she's even to wooden for that industry
pathetic acting,can't belive coro has sunk to such depths
The writers are definately stuck for storylines.
Corrie is rubbish at present.
Harry and Liz make me cringe

His belly and braces

her double chin just imagine them "getting it on"

I don't care whether I watch Corrie or not these days with these pathetic story lines.

Dev should have been axed ages ago and this new storyline is the worst ever - it's just plain embarrassing to watch.
Bring back Les Battersby,he was in great storlines ,remember when he had his lectric cut off and he connected up to nearby house,now thats real drama,and a true northerner, plenty o brass for ale and damn the electric company.

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