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what a shame.....

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stokemaveric | 14:08 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
wendy richard [pauline fowler] has died..............


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Yes I liked her as Miss Brahms, and she hasn't been married long has she?
She was hot when she was miss brahms.

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Thats a surprise, I didn't think she was that old.
RIP Wendy.
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yes she was lovely in real life as well....
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Rosetta, the actress had left eastenders and made it known she was dying about 18 months ago i think
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Was it sudden and what did she die of?
She had cancer and had been suffering for a while.
OK, ta for that. I didn't realise.
I didn't know she had died, but I do remember reading some time last year that she had cancer.
Didn't know that dot, well I know that she had left Eastenders but not the bit about her dying. I am afraid I don't tend to keep up with a lot of celebritity gossip.

It will be a difficult time for her family, friends and work colleagues
Breast cancer I have just heard on the news, i knew it was a cancer, poor woman must have really suffered.
god wiki were a bit quick off the mark. Looking at her life I can't believe she was married 4 times totalling only 11 years!!
Poor Pauline - hardly aged! Glad she got an MBE for her career.
memories.......come outside ;)
This is sad news.
And barely into her old age.

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what a shame.....

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