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How big is Dr Whos tardis

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kentishbear | 13:03 Thu 12th Mar 2009 | TV
5 Answers
does anyone know how many rooms there are in the Tardis.. There must be a kitchen, bathroom ( a toilet at least!) and bedrooms

thanks :)


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the 2nd bedroom is more like a box room.

i think he has bunkbeds in the main bedroom to save space
are you hoping to build a replica?

It is as big as any script desires.

In one story it was described as infinite, in another, the Doctor jettisoned 10% (I think) of the interior.
How do you get rid of a part of infinite?

One story showed a great deal of the TARDIS interior (which was filmed at a dis-used hospital)... guide/invasiontime/detail.shtml
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Thanks Tony, nice link,

glad to know he has a swimming pool in there too :)
In the classic series we have seen bedrooms/dormitory, a food machine (no kitchen so far), a bathroom (the above mentioned swimming pool) a boot cupboard, a work shop (a laboratory has been mentioned I think), a wardrobe (a set with a lot of BBC costumes in it), the Zero Room (a quiet room the Doctor retreated to after regenerating into Peter Davison), a secondary control room, the Power Room (like an engine room on a ship) and lots of corridors.

In the more recent series, Ecclestone's Doctor had a line about "past the bins" when giving directions.

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