Thanks Neti I'm feeling better in the sense that I can listen to music without it being accompanied by a rattling sound, but the single, shrill tone and the impaired hearing are still there. Still, it's a blessing that the rattling is gone and it does make me feel more optimistic just generally.
And yes it's springlike here too:) Yesterday was lovely (and today was too) and I went for an aimless little walk just to be walking. I walked to Mariatorget which is a square and a city park here on my island. There used to be an orangery there in the eightenth century where they grew mulberry trees and fig trees and bitter orange trees. The square has had many different names throughout the centuries, at one time it was named after a king who would only allow the use of his name provided no executions took place there – which they did on literally every other square in Stockholm… Another king, also in the eighteenth century, used the square for tournaments. His royal box was standing right in front of what today is The Rival Hotel, ABBA-Benny's hotel. I really like everything about that hotel, including their logo which I've been trying to talk them into making a poster out of. So far they haven't but I discovered yesterday they are now selling mugs with the logo, so I bought a couple of those:)
And then I intended to walk back home again but whuddayaknow the shops were open, I didn't think they were. I bought a waistcoat similar to this one at the completely unreasonable cost of 4½ quid, ha ha wouldn't have to hide *that* price tag from my husband would I now, biddies!