What a load of H0rsesh1te try living round here. Theiving scum who opt out of society seem above the law, drive around in flash motors no doubt untaxed uninsured. Boowldog, what naivety, they have had proper sites all over the country, they move in and steel what they can, trash the loo block and flog the copper pipes. They even gave them council houses round here, they gutted them and pi55ed off. These people have no redeeming features. They'll wreck wherever they go leave a ton of sh1te and nick what ain't nailed down. Kin pikies are no better than kin tape worms, parasitical scum. They may stick to their weding vows but that's about it, Maybe C4 bigwigs have a pikey uncle or something. Give the councils powers to move them off straight away and impound and flog their Porches etc to pay for the damage. Our local sports club got infested last year and it ended up costing 7K to put right the damage right and week to get shot of them.