When my kids were younger they loved 'A Little House on The Prairy' and I loved it too. With all the repeats on TV one would think it would be on on some channel somewhere but I've never seen a sign of it.
I thought now my g/children are getting older they would like to see it.
Am I wrong? Is it on somewhere and I've missed it?
http://www.amazon.co....irie+complete+box+set Media URL: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_44?url=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords=little+house+on+the+prairie+complete+box+set&sprefix=little+house+on+the+prairie+complete+box+set Description:
http://www.amazon.co....qid=1287992142&sr=1-4 Media URL: http://www.amazon.co.uk/LITTLE-HOUSE-PRAIRIE-Collection-Collectors/dp/B0018UO2I2/ref=sr_1_4?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1287992142&sr=1-4 Description:
Thankyou soo much all of you who helped me out here. (made my day)
I've been on to Amazon and ordered the first series box set, I'll see how that goes down then hopefully go from there.