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There's Talk That The Government Might Introduce...

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sandyRoe | 16:06 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
73 Answers

...further restrictions on where a smoker can indulge his vice.

It seems the puritans in office are out to limit our simple pleasures.

Where WILL we be allowed to smoke?



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Good afternoon,

They are just carrying on from what the tories started.

Hopefully in the comfort of your own home and nowhere else.

The government is talking about banning smoking in pub gardens.  I think it's their idea.

Read about this earlier in my local paper.

Its getting ridiculous now. Im a non-smoker but this nanny state is getting out of hand. Cant smoke in an outside beer garden??

If there are no fag packets where will politicians jot down their big ideas?

They, the government, seem to be lashing out in all directions looking for a big winner but so far it's all dog-ends in the urinal.

If this was my post, Doug would get best answer up till now...

//There's Talk That The Government Might//

Screw up the country - I can believe it!

That will be another nail in the coffin of the local pub.

This and the previous government want to make smoking less attractive, or discourage people from starting in the first place and so reduce over time the number of people whose coffins have to be nailed down when they die early from smoking related illnesses.

I know, Perseverer.

I was just thinking of local businesses which are struggling. 

Wait until they come for the alcohol.

Bloody puritans.

Tilly's right, though.  I don't like people smoking near me even outside - it catches my chest (asthma), but if our local pub didn't have the garden and people just stayed at home - it would close.  That really would tear the heart out of the village.  


Wait until they come for the alcohol.

Bloody puritans.

People will just go outside to smoke - as they do when pubs have no garden.

As a life long non smoker I would be overjoyed to be able to sit in a pub garden without second hand smoke,and sickly sweet vape fumes but I do know of a number of pubs that would struggle without the old boys who seem to pop outside at least twice per pint during an all day session.  

Nobody would smoke if they realised what it's like to put up with COPD which is slowly killing me now.  Serves me right as I smoked for approx 30 years.

Ooops looks like I stopped this thread dead with my answer.  Sorry Sandy.

//Wait until they come for the alcohol. Bloody puritans.//


Thats me booxled then....

Question Author


No need to apologise.

Smoking is a serious addiction and probably kills more people each year than all the other addictive substances put together.

You didn't stop it dead Ladybirder, everybody was on a fag break.

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