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Or should your post read "are our laws fit for purpose"

Judges don't make the laws, they uphold them.

So who's to blame?

Well, you could make it up Dave, any other fake news to post?

Question Author

"other fake news" implies that THIS is fake news - is it?

Our judges and law, keep your Ozzy nose out.

It does beggar belief Davebro, country is no longer ours.

No Davebro, he's probably had too many tinnies again.

Possibly not fake, but, definitely bovine excrement.

Judges pass their judgement based on the law, not on some *** opinion of what should have happened. 

Soz ***😏

//Our judges and law, keep your Ozzy nose out.//

My most sincere apologiesπŸ˜†


-- answer removed --
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So any murderous thug who can convince the docs that he's a bit mental can get a judge to rule it's against his human rights to be sent back to his own country?

As I said - you couldn't make it up.

Question Author

I wonder what the Ozzies would do...

//So any murderous thug who can convince the docs that he's a bit mental can get a judge to rule it's against his human rights to be sent back to his own country//

Apparently so, but it's not the judge that should be judged for the decision, it's the law that the judge has to abide by!

Is this really difficult to understand ?



We would abide by the law that was in place at the time Dave, and not moan incessantly,,,

Question Author

It wasn't "the law" - his lawyers "successfully argued" it would be against his human rights - the judge could equally well have determined that their argument WASN'T successful.

But the judge didn't!!

Does that possibly educate yourself in how the law works Dave?

Asking for a friend that thinks you're full of yourself.

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Are Our Judges Fit For Purpose?

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