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how much is this car worth

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Thunderchild | 20:03 Fri 24th Oct 2008 | Cars
27 Answers
I'm looking at an S reg (and please tell me which year that should be please) Hyundai Atos that has done 62'000 miles, is it worth 800 � ? it has 7 months MOT and appears to be in good condition


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That's funny. It sounds like they wound the clock back 10000 miles since you first saw it!
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no he got it wrong I did actually look at the car before phoning him and it said 52000 when he said 62000 I assumed that I had misread it but i hadn't
It sounds a better risk than that old dog of a Fiesta.

I hope you get many miles of happy motoring.
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I hope so too panic button now I've just got to bring my new insurance day forward as I messed up and left my self 1 day without a car and i need it that day
Advertised vehicles often 'ping-up' dealers who will offer 25% of asking price.

Car is only worth what you want to pay.....An S with that mileage is almost scrap (�50) so begin there.
-- answer removed --
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I think you misinterpret me by my username but i won't change it I'm not into fast cars (but am into fast cameras and computers)

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how much is this car worth

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