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stanbesida | 00:10 Mon 25th Jan 2010 | Cars
5 Answers
About the previous question, I'm wondering whether he input the number correctly, he lives in Musselburgh which is about 36 miles away from me but I'm going to Edinburgh next week so I will try it in case he has entered it wrong, thanks again John


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Stuff here John ..

00:00 Thu 28th Jan 2010
I can't remember the entry sequence John!
It's in any of the Ford Radio manuals tho : )
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Thanks A1
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Thanks A1,
I entered the code in exactly the same way as I did for Gaynor's radio, i.e. the first number in 1, second in 2, etc., but as soon as I press number 5, the radio goes off completely so I don't know what is going wrong with it. J
I think recoded John.
Leave it a few days before trying again .. That was the correct no for original programming. My guess is it has been recoded.

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