Jokes0 min ago
Strange Vehicles
8 Answers
trying to follow you Hopkirk and try to get this catogary re-born ..........
http:// uk/sear ch?gs_r n=17&am p;gs_ri =psy-ab &su ggest=p &cp =12& ;gs_id= 1a& xhr=t&a mp;q=st range+c ars& ;rlz=1R 2GPTB_e n-GB&am p;biw=1 440& ;bih=73 0&b av=on.2 ,or.&am p;bvm=b v.47883 778,d.d 2k& wrapid= tljp137 1402459 152022& amp;um= 1&i e=UTF-8 &hl =en& ;tbm=is ch& source= og& sa=N&am p;tab=w i&e i=6_C9U bSqF4Ku OcaYgDg #facrc= _&i mgrc=Tb yjuVDga ATX4M%3 A%3Bk7- 5dlKT2e igsM%3B http%25 3A%252F %252Fww w.allpi m%252Fw ww%252F slike%2 52Ffunn y%252Fw eird-ca rs-our- streets %252Fca rs-weir d.jpg%3 Bhttp%2 53A%252 F%252Fw ww.allp ics4u.c om%252F funny-2 %252Fwe ird-car s-on-ou r-stree ts.html %3B1024 %3B717
Do you (assuming you're of a certain generation) remember that weird round ball thingy they featured on Blue Peter back in the 70s? John Noakes was the one assigned to feature it. I think it was designed by a French engineer and the feature was shot in Paris.
17:15 Sun 16th Jun 2013
Excellent work Toureman.
Do you mean zorbing, Answerprancer?
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?um= 1&s afe=act ive& ;hl=en& amp;biw =1280&a mp;bih= 661& ;tbm=is ch& sa=1&am p;q=zor bing&am p;oq=zo rbing&a mp;gs_l =img.12 ..0l10. 2942.54 06.0.78 14.7.7. .278.91 7.4j2j1 .7.0... 0.0...1 c.1.17. img.jcS XeCs9G1 I
Do you mean zorbing, Answerprancer?
This is the one!
From memory, it was designed by a Frenchman and John Noakes drove it around Paris in the early 70s.
http:// www.web inapage .com/wp -conten t/uploa ds/2010 /05/bub ble_spa ce_car- 1024x83 6.jpg
From memory, it was designed by a Frenchman and John Noakes drove it around Paris in the early 70s.
So that's where they got the idea from, Answerprancer
http:// movieca m/wp-co ntent/u ploads/ 2012/09 /R2-D2- star-wa rs-640x 410.jpg