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Speed camaras

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dave50 | 08:14 Thu 26th May 2011 | Motoring
23 Answers
Why do some people insist that speed camaras should be hidden out of sight so as to catch more drivers speeding? If the reason for them is to make drivers slow down and so reduce accidents, surely then they should be as highly visible as possible as they are now. Unless of course they are just money making machines, then they would be hidden.


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because people just slow down to pass then speed up whats the point in having them? hidden ones will makes epople wary and also those who dont care or dont stick to speed limits will be punished enough to perhaps think twice next time...simple answer is dont speed and theres no problem...

why do so many people complain in an indignant manner about this when the fact that they get caught is entirely their own fault and own doing and entirely avoidable?
Speeding is a criminal offence. Drug-dealing is a criminal offence. Would anyone suggest that undercover police officers, trying to deal with drug crime should be obliged to wear flashing blue lights on their heads? Of course not!

It makes sense to keep all speed cameras out of sight and to ensure that anyone driving, say, 50 miles would know that they were going to pass at least 20 of them (and perhaps far more) along their route. Then put the minimum fine up to at least £500 (plus 6 points), with no more than 2mph allowance for momentarily going over the limit. I'd guarantee that most people would then keep to the limits!
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