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Car Exhaust

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gadgetgeek | 15:29 Sun 31st Jul 2011 | Motoring
5 Answers
Just had my Zafiras exhaust mid pipe and end box replaced due to corrosion and a crack etc. Just out of interest if the exhaust had not been replaced, other than the noise and possibly fumes in the car, what other symptoms wud the car possibly of suffered? Cheers


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It is possible for parts of the exhaust system to fall off, damaging the bodywork and/or tyres. The hot exhaust gases could be directed to where they cause a problem (fuel lines/tank etc).

On the plus side, the engine exhaust should be less restricted, resulting in improved fuel economy.
"possibly fumes in the car"

Well that could result in a slight case of death, is that enough of a reason?
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It was bcos of the the risk of the fumes I changed the exhaust straight away. Just wanted to see wot else cud be affected ie mpg etc. Cheers
Just the noise really.
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Cheers mjwman. For a short while I had the sportiest sounding Zafira around!

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