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What do you take to an MOT?

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erin-x | 01:04 Thu 08th Dec 2011 | Motoring
38 Answers
I've got my MOT at 8.30 tomorrow and was wondering if I have to take any documentation or anything with me? I meant to ask my Dad but he's away to bed :|


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Didn't take anything with mine.
nor me.

A fat credit card might come in handy, though
Question Author
Cool :) This is only the 2nd MOT and I can't remember what happened last year! lol!
no, nothing but me car!
I had to pause for thought.
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Aw don't say that Jno... happy thoughts only please ;) lol
You don't need to take anything.

You used to have to take the old MOT certificate if it still had any time left on it (so that any unexpired time could be added to validity of the new certificate) but the new electronic system should mean that any unexpired period on your old certificate is automatically added onto the new one. (Despite that though, I still left my old certificate on the passenger's seat of my car when I put my car through its MOT recently; I don't totally trust modern technology!).

even if there's nowt wrong it still costs money for the MOT
£35 for mine.
mine's nearer £50 but that's the North Circular for you, you're paying for the location
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I can't remember how much it is :| I think it was about £120 last year for the MOT and 2 new tyres...
depends where you live, in Northern Ireland where the test centres are Government run you need to have the V5c form, the appointment letter and the current certificate.
Most places around here charge the legal maximum, which is currently £54.85.
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I'm in Scotland, Vulcan and it's HiQ.. Should I just take everything to be on the safe side..
blimey o'reilly! i thought i was paying a lot when it was 30 quid!

where are u chris?!!!
I'm in Suffolk, Halifaxmum.

Nothing's cheap around here. We've got fairly high house prices, expensive beer, expensive cafés and restaurants (compared with many other places I've been to) and even charity shops charging far more than in a lot of other places. Despite that, we've got the lowest average wages in the country :(


(PS: I read about your health problems on your question for Sqad. I hope that you're managing to keep cheerful despite everything)
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Thanks for the answers guys :) I'm off to bed... early rise tomorrow :|
I never take anything. It's only when you renew your tax at the post office when they would want to see things like MOT cert etc.
Chris - it's tough, but the fluoxetine help...a bit...could do with a bit of support, but hey...x
F1 Autocentres charge £20 if done with a full service. BTW erin you can have your mot up to one month in advance of its expiry.

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