Never use the non-sealed setting on a sealed or "Gel-cell" battery. The cells on the gel-cell are designed to only accept about 2.3 volts per hour, while the previously standard wet-cell battery could accept nearly 10 volts per hour, since it vented gasses during the charging cylce, unlike the gel-cell...
Always remove the gel-cell battery from the car for charging and let it sit for at least 1-2 hours to arrive at a stable temperature before charging. Even though it's sealed, use gloves and a face guard when removing it.
Lastly, if you have a sealed or gel-cell battery, and it has been severely discharged (tried to start the car to the point it won't engage the starter any more) the battery's voltage should be checked with a voltmeter before attempting to charge it. A 12 volt battery discharged below about 11.3 volts will probably require a special charger...