Outside Lanes. in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Outside Lanes.

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TWR | 18:45 Fri 18th Jan 2013 | Motoring
23 Answers
Like a few HGVs drivers on here & seen the build up of traffic on the motorways due to the outside lane being closed to snow, the police should allow the HGVs "only to use this lane to clear the snow", it's not dangerous but sensible, as you may have seen tonight the M4 >>5.. down to one lane in places & it only takes an artic to Jack knife then you have a blocked Motorway. Then motorist stuck overnight in car, if the car is low on fuel, that overnight could cause the person death, as has been known to happen in the past, the majority of HGV Drivers are not glory boys, & neither are they unprofessional, they have the ability to keep the Motorways clear so let them do it.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I have a lot of responsibilities as an HGV driver, but clearing snow for other people is not one of them.

I really believe this is the most ridiculous and dangerous suggestion, and I find it hard to believe that you keep suggesting it.
I and 13 of my oppos did exactly what you are proposing but in vehicles that could do it and with drivers that could do it!

We were using Bedford RLs with of course 4 wheel drive with cross country tyres.

All the drivers were Royal Marines driving instructors.

We just pealed off to the blocked lane and used it being careful not to go too fast and spray snow all over the cars.

We ran into heavy snow, about 6" depth, there were only 2 lanes on the oxford bypass at the time and the deep snow was on the right lane, the inside lane was nearly stationary because of the pile up of slow traffic.

When we got to base the rear drivers said cars were pealing off into the lane we cleared for them!

It would not be safe for Artics to do the same with normal tyres and also the dual carriageways always had a slight slope to the side of the road, any slight braking would send the trucks into the inside traffic blocking all the traffic on the bypass!

It woul be very dangerous to allow artics to try the same!
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I've only been driving the things 35+years, with no accidents, endorsements, cautions, I think I've a lot to learn. Hop, how do you chinese a sheet? we will judge your experience.

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