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Car Mot

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pdq1 | 14:10 Mon 28th Jan 2013 | Motoring
3 Answers
Can a car fail its MOT because of the dents in the rim caused by going over too many potholes? Also whats the best method for straightening them out as I've tried with a hammer without success?


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If there are deep dents in the rims, it could cause the wheel to be out of Track / Balance, Indications! tyre out of track, Steering judder, To do it right the wheel need to be done by a professional or if badly dented, replaced.
really depends how bad they are, many rims have dents and kerbing damage. I long as the tyre isnt damaged it shouldnt be a problem unless its a mega amount of damage.
We usually manage to tap out minor dents.
Steel rims from the scrappers should be reasonably cheep. Might get a decent set of tyres on them as well.

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