Hi. what is the law regarding people parking across a drive of a house I own that I need access to, to move in to in around a months time. Also what distance do they have to keep clear from the drive as to not cause an obstruction when driving on to or reversing off. We have two cars but only one will fit on there.
The relevant legislation is 86 of the Traffic Management Act 2004, follow the link below to view this: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/18/section/86 This requirement is also explained within rule 243 of the highway code
I believe the boundary will be the dropped kerb - this marks the edges that your car must be able to use. Anyone parked there is causing obstruction - debatable nowadays whether Police or council will deal though!!
I was led to believe that they can't block you in if the car is on the drive, but they can park there if you're out, blocking you from getting in! I may be wrong though.
Parking across a dropped kerb is illegal, you can even be done for parking across your own dropped kerb, however if there is no dropped kerb and no other restrictions in force anyone can park there.
If there is a dropped curb they shouldn't park there at all.
The Police should assist you to get out if you are blocked in but will not assist you to get back in if you are blocked out. (At least that was the policy in my old force.)