Should the government put a stop to the young drivers owning a power full car? ( Too many to list) should they be limited to the smallest CC? & the system sealed as not to increase the power.
I always thought this TWR. You often see some very young looking drivers with Evo or Impreza's, very very fast cars which can be cheap to pick up the only stumbling block is the insurance. Does Northern Ireland still have speed restrictions on new drivers and does it work?
It could be a starting point to reduce incidents however I think education is a better alternative.All small, cheap, low power entry level cars can and do kill so thats not the answer.
Given the amount of information the DVLA currently holds on drivers etc. I don't think that it would be that difficult to police. If it was an integrated system
where Insurance companies would refuse cover for say drivers with less than 3 years experience for anything over 1000cc for example.
A similar but different scheme is in place for learner motorcyclists already and that seems to work.
No a lot of young people in the country and on farms etc need 4x4's to feed livestock and so on. It's not unusual here (Shropshire Hills) to see people of 17 and 18 in Warriors etc because they need them for their work, you really can't do the same things with a Peugeot 106. Our house is completely cut off unless you have a 4x4 at the moment which would mean anyone under 21 or whatever the age is would be unable to shop, get to work or anything else.
If they're limited to say 50mph, how much of a nuisance are they going to be on roads with a 60 or 70mph limit? Save young life's maybe, lower our insurance cost. Did I say Parents / Comp Cars?
Re the Northern Ireland question - yes they are restricted to 45, does it work I am split - its a real pain in the arse on roads where the speed limit is higher and the are dragging along - but also I get miffed when I see someone bombing along at 70 when they should only be doing 45!!