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Connemmara | 16:46 Thu 13th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
Went to Sainsburys today to get petrol - there were two stations "available" but cones were placed at first one (out of action) so knew there was a problem. Stopped at second one (behind first one) - got petrol and needed to back out from the cones - lipread car behind me and they were raving mad - I got out of my car went up to them middle-aged man and woman and told them that I was sorry cones were in my way and sorry you have road rage or should have been garage rage. They nearly Sugar themselves cos I am sure they would not have known I was able to lipread them. rant over - felt good after it tho - there are so many angry drivers on the road it cracks me up.


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//..They nearly Sugar themselves cos I am sure they would not have known I was able to lipread them.//

So what were they saying , then ?
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funk her
I bet that lip reading thing is fun though, Conne.
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you bet Tony Av - but it has got me into trouble too - could write a list but won't bore you.
Well I don't think that I'd find it boring, Conne.
Hee hee...once on holiday in Spain we had to share a table with German couple who moaned complained and spoke about us the whole time....I am fluent in German but did not let them know until the last meal ....should have seen their faces when I told them I cared not for them and their rude ways !...I did throw in that we also won the war for good measure !
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btw - did not use the word "sugar" in my first posting - Ed must have changed from s t themselves to sugar themselves.
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good for you murray
Minty, even though your a Scots lass you should have also reminded them about the world cup final 1966.
Yes Conne, certain swear words get changed.
People get quite upset when they are caught out don't they?
I'm partially deaf (from a young age) and I'm quite adept at lipreading.
Cup final Tony ? Who won that then ?
letting off steam is good for mental wellfare
Well minty I'll give you a clue, it wasn't Scotland lol.
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slack alice - I am sure you have had fun too.
Engerlaaaaand ?....
people are entitled to all the rage they want as long as they don't do anything about it. As petal says, it sounds as if they were just letting off steam. You could have left them to it; what's the harm?
They thought it was all IS now !!!!
Good gal, minty.
good for you Connie
Minty, I once had some friends of friends staying with me from overseas. They made the mistake of making an unflattering comment whilst I was making my first cup of tea of the day.........


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