The security on modern cars is so good the only way to steal one is to steal the keys first. Key theft is the main method of car stealing now. So to be secure make sure the keys are safe. House breaking to steal car keys is a major problem now.
Blond woman driver question here -how does locking wheel nuts prevent theft of your car? I have them on my car but don't lock them every night am I doing something wrong? Am I still insured? ;-)
When I bought my last car I had the default alarm upgraded to the best spec prior to collection without checking what the difference was, assuming this had to be a good idea. Mistake.
The additional function seems to be to arm itself unbidden when one is trying to load the vehicle, result in the damned thing going off simply to annoy: and necessitating having to leave the keys in the ignition for the duration to prevent it doing so.
In America (where else) signs on vehicles can state (1) Car thieves will be shot.Survivors will be shot again! (2) The driver of this vehicle only carries $10 worth of ammunition. (3) There is nothing in this car worth your life.