What a fool! I could comment in the style of 'court jester', but someone certainly did pick a nincompoop.
He was sent an invitation (nice honour) and a booklet with a single line suggesting"...dress is smart, suits/jacket and tie, etc. Ladies are asked not to wear hats, as they tend to obscure the vision of those seated behind them." (same goes for men, if you have a smidgen of intelligence).
So this "style setter" missed the opportunity by dressing how? A flower shirt, straw hat, suede shoes - he was obviously under pressure, turning up an hour late with his granddad's glasses and NO SOCKS.
All he needed was a man bag and he could have been mistaken for your up-market, street-corner drug tout.
Anyway, I do hope he turns up for the Hungarian Grand Prix with his fire-proof underwear, gloves, helmet AND SOCKS without suede shoes - and on time!