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Jaguar Cars

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scooping | 18:06 Mon 03rd Apr 2017 | Motoring
28 Answers
As E-Types are so very popular why doesn't Jaguar 're-issue' a new E-type? Same body, better engine, electrics and bodywork.


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It wouldn't pass crash tests
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Couldn't it be reconfiguered so that it did?
I seem to remember that there IS a new E-type, or at least an exact replica.
Here they are ! :::::
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Meant why doesn't Jaguar make new ones. The Eagles are refurbished I think, though super cool.
As said in your first answer, it is a 1960s design and could not possibly pass modern safety standards without being modified to the point where it looked/handled nothing like the original.
I, like Enzo Ferrari, think that the E-Type is the most beautiful ever made. But it wasn't the best car ever made.

From what I have read and seen, the Eagle are better than the original E-Type ever was. If you have a few hundred thousand pounds to spare, then buy an Eagle !
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Many thanks all.
Mate of mine has two - a Brit in the US earning them as 'bonuses' after his sorties into Intel.....he won't take them out in rain and, seriously, you could eat eggs and bacon off them or his garage floor.
Terrible waste of money, DTC, if they are not being used.
Did you not get your order in on time, scooping !
This is my favourite Jag, by a long way !
Rather have one of these, XK150. The XK120 was nice too.
Nearly snap Mikey.
Togo....I saw one of these last year, in Cornwall, in this colour....rare as hens teeth !
That roadster was just about the ugliest XK120 Mikey. You could have done the 120 more justice.
they are used - on dry days though.
Nice motor that Mikey, hand built. 83 made and 40 still running and accounted for.
Togo...when I saw the Lea Francis on the road to Lands End, it was being driven by the man who now owns the company ! He said that he had plans to start building them again, but I've seen nothing in the press about it.

He also talked about building more of these :::

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